9 Things You Should Silently Eliminate from Your Life If You Want to Progress This Year

Things to Eliminate from Your Life if You Want to Level-up This Year

by Polyne K.
things to remove from your life

Things to eliminate from your life if you want to progress this year.

As we embark on a new year, there are certain aspects of our lives that, when silently eliminated, can pave the way for transformative change.

I mean, decluttering shouldn’t only happen in our physical space.

As we pursue progress and personal growth, it’s essential also to declutter our habits and mindset.

This post looks into the things to eliminate from your life and importance of silently letting go of these things that may hinder your progress this year.

It explores how shedding these burdens can create space for positivity, self-discovery, and a more purposeful and fulfilling life in the year ahead.

From negative self-talk to toxic relationships, these seven things act as roadblocks on the journey to success.

Ready for this? Let’s get started.

9 Things To Eliminate From Your Life If You Want To Level-Up This Year

things to eliminate from your life

1. Revisiting Closed Chapters of Your Life in Regret

Life is a journey, and as we travel our different paths, we encounter several bumps and roadblocks. Some of these bumps may hinder our progress for a while, but some leave us bleeding for years.

Talk of divorce, losing a loved one or being terminated from your source of income.

Some of these chapters can make you feel hurtful, discouraged, and downtrodden, especially if they are from silly mistakes.

But must we always dwell there?

No mama,

We are human, and life happens. We make mistakes, we are hurt by those we assisted at some point, and we are let down by the people we trusted most.

Yes, it’s all set of blah-blah-blah. And you know what?

It is okay.

The past is unchangeable, and dwelling on it excessively can be counterproductive. Instead of expending energy on what cannot be altered, it’s more beneficial to focus on the aspects of your life that you can control and improve.

You can never change the color of a wall by lamenting. Bring in what you desire and start repainting.

Talk to a friend to relieve some pain. Cry as much as you can. Move and change the environment if you can or even seek professional therapy if you can afford it, but in all these, refuse to bury yourself in the closed chapter.

After all, there are many other unfolding chapters meant to wipe off your tears if you can only embrace life fully.

The only time you’re allowed to reopen a closed chapter is when you are;

  • counting your blessings
  • ticking the lessons learned and
  • appreciating the grace that carried you through the circumstance safely.


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2. Consuming Negative Self-talk

Do you ever find yourself engaging in self-criticism or pessimistic thoughts?

Mama, I have been a victim of these self-imprisonment for years’ ha!

I mean,

You constantly get into a pattern of internal dialogue that is self-deprecating and judgmental. Most of your inner dialogue tends to focus on perceived weaknesses. You outline your failures, shortcomings and everything unpleasant about yourself.

For example, You may experience

  • All-or-nothing thinking: “I failed one task, so I’m a complete failure.”
  • Overgeneralization: “I made a mistake in this presentation; I always mess things up.”
  • Personalization: “Their negative reaction to my idea must be because I’m not smart enough.”
  • Catastrophizing: “If I don’t succeed in this project, my entire career is ruined.”
  • Mind Reading: “They didn’t respond positively; they must think I’m incompetent.”
  • Discounting the Positive: “Even though I got praised for my work, it doesn’t really count.”
  • Labeling: “I’m such a loser for not getting that promotion.”
  • Should Statements: “I should be perfect at everything; any mistake is unacceptable.”
  • Comparisons: “Look at their success; I’ll never be as good as them.”
  • Emotional Reasoning: “I feel like a failure, so I must be one.”
  • Self-Blame: “It’s my fault that the project didn’t go well; I’m just not good enough.”
  • Perfectionism: “If I can’t do it perfectly, there’s no point in doing it at all.”
  • Predicting the Future: “I know I’ll mess up the interview; I always do.”

Negative self-talk often undermines your esteem and confidence. If you consistently doubt your capabilities or worth, you may be hesitant to take on new challenges. You’ll become too anxious to pursue opportunities.

Additionally, negative self-talk fuels a fear of failure, thus leading to procrastination. If you convince yourself that you’re not capable of succeeding, you may avoid tasks or projects. After all, there’s no point in trying if you’ll fail anyway.

And the result?

You may unwittingly create a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Your beliefs can influence your actions. As such, negative self-talk may lead you to behave in ways that confirm your negative expectations.

3. Chasing After People in Pursuit of External Approval

There is nothing as good as cultivating intrinsic motivation.


Intrinsic motivation helps you to maintaining authenticity in your journey to greatness.

Chasing after people in pursuit of external approval is simply the opposite of authenticity. It refers to the behavior of seeking validation. You want recognition or acceptance from others at the expense of your values and goals.

Can this hinder your progress?



Most of the time, you’ll conform to societal norms, peer pressure, or the expectations of others. This happens even if it means compromising personal beliefs or goals.

Constantly seeking approval can lead to hesitation and indecision.

You might delay taking action while waiting for validation. This may make you miss out on valuable opportunities for growth and progress.

The need for approval can stifle creativity. If you are overly concerned about what others will think, you may shy away from expressing unconventional ideas or trying new approaches.


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4. Giving Up Easily

things to eliminate from your life

Have you ever come across people who abandon a task, goal, or pursuit? Sometimes, all they needed was just one more strike, and the water will start flowing from that rock.

But did they press on? No.

People who give up easily are quick to discontinue efforts in the face of challenges. Any setbacks or obstacles will make them change direction.

Why? Because they may lack motivation, determination, or belief in their ability to overcome difficulties.

A seed can take a few days to germinate but years before starting to bear fruits.

If you think you will implement your idea today and start reaping the benefits tomorrow, then you are just wrong. It takes determination, resilience, and consistency to get where you want to be.

As such, after getting an idea to start something, you shouldn’t abandon it prematurely. Create a routine, systems, and consistency until you achieve your goal.

When you give up easily, you’re likely to remain in your current situation for longer. You stay in stagnation and missed opportunities.

After all, persistence is the razor’s age between those who make it and those who do not—talk of Thomas Edison, Nicola Tesla, or anyone who invented anything admirable.

The story is the same. Failure is inevitable.

If you give up at the first sign of difficulty, you may miss out on chances for success, learning, and advancement.


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5. Blaming People for Your Stagnation

Taking ownership of your mistakes is a crucial step toward self-improvement and progress.

And that is what blaming others does not want you to do.

You know what?

Blaming others hinders accountability, a key ingredient in one’s progress. When you consistently blame others, you avoid taking responsibility for your actions and decisions. Accountability is essential for personal growth. Shifting blame prevents you from learning from your mistakes.


Blaming others can become a defense mechanism that shields you from self-reflection. Yet sitting down and analyzing what went wrong can foster your progress in life. Self-reflection helps you to understand your role in a failure, which is essential for progress.


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6. Talking Too Much about Your Goal before Implementation

Have you ever found yourself planning something for so long without taking action? You may have started talking about your goals too soon.

 According to research, if you talk about a goal or plan for a long time, your brain may register it as done. This may result in reduced intrinsic motivation.

And not just that.

Sharing plans too early may expose them to premature criticism, leading to discouragement. It’s essential to consider the timing and choose the right audience to ensure constructive feedback.

In some cases, discussing plans openly may expose you to the risk of idea theft. While this is relatively rare, it’s essential to be mindful of who you share your plans with.

Here are a few tips for goal sharing;

  • To spark goal commitment, share your plans with someone you highly esteem as a mentor.
  • Consider the timing of your discussions. It might be beneficial to share plans once you’ve thought them through to a reasonable extent.
  • Find the right balance between keeping specific details confidential.
  • Take action and ensure that you’re actively working towards your goals as you talk about them.


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7 . Giving Away Too Much for Free

While giving or offering help is a positive thing, sometimes it may hinder your progress.


Giving away yourself for free, whether it involves your time, skills, or expertise, have both personal and professional consequences.

If you consistently provide your services without compensation, it may lead to financial strain. Also, overcommitting to free work can lead to burnout. You may find yourself stretched thin with little time for self-care.

And the worst part, people may start to undervalue you.

I mean,

There’s this type of a mindset where people gauge the value of your skills and expertise based on your price.

As such, it’s essential to strike a balance that considers your own needs and goals.

First understanding the value of your time and expertise. Then, set appropriate boundaries that fosters sustainable approach to personal and professional progress.

You may give out a sample for free but a full package is a NO. Let people pay the price.

8. Judging Others on Face Value

Judging others at face value is one of the top reasons that has hindered people from advancing their social capital.

Why? because of stereotyping.

Why should you form an opinion of a person based solely on their external appearance?

I mean, why use superficial characteristics or initial impressions to decide whether you will treat this person with respect or not.

Mama, you’re doing it wrong?

While we are supposed to be cautious of people around us, it’s paramount to dispense our judgment with a deeper understanding of a person’s personality, values, experiences, or true qualities.

Don’t join the list of those who have chased away their destiny helpers because of stereotyping.

Face value judgments may result in misunderstandings about a person’s capabilities, or background.

Prejudgments based on appearance may prevent individuals from discovering shared interests, values, or experiences. This can limit the potential for meaningful connections and relationships, resulting in missed opportunities.

9. Excessive Time on Social Media

Some people cannot put their gadgets down. It’s called social media addiction.

You spend excessive time on social media platforms to the extent that it negatively impacts various aspects of your life.

Talk of sleep disruption. You may hop from one App to another late into the night. And the result? Disrupted sleep patterns.

Sometimes, you also suffer from social isolation because you prefer online interactions over face-to-face interactions.

Others also find themselves in Compulsive Posting and Validation Seeking.

And the worst part?

You may develop an addiction to the extent that social media use impedes your productivity at work, school, or other essential tasks.

If you fall into one of these categories, do something now.

Why? Because you’re heading to the Inability to Disconnect level.

If this happens, you may feel anxious or uneasy when unable to access social media or take breaks.

That is when your family will be compelled to take you to rehab.

While there is no universal threshold for what constitutes excessive use, it typically implies a level of engagement that interferes with daily activities.

These activities may include personal relationships, productivity, and overall well-being.

For example, you frequently check and post things throughout the day, which causes you to neglect your essential tasks.

Excessive social media use is a highway that decreases productivity.

Constant interruptions from notifications and the lure of endless scrolling can disrupt your focus and hinder your ability to complete tasks efficiently.

Additionally, it can lead to a significant time drain. Time spent scrolling through feeds could be better utilized for productive tasks or self-improvement.

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