How to Heal Vaginal Stitches After Birth ( Complete Checklist)

How Long Do Vaginal Stitches Take to Heal

by Polyne K.

Knowing how to heal your vaginal stitches after birth is essential for every mom.

Going by my experience, I would say, ‘’you birth thrice.’’


You birth your baby— then the placenta — and finally, your first bowel movement.

But why is your first bowel movement after delivery a big deal?

Stitches, stitches, and stitches.


Having a tear during vaginal birth is not unusual. According to a study, 78% of women get a tear during childbirth. This is to say about 9 in 10 first-time mothers who have a vaginal birth will experience some tear or episiotomy.

This is not to scare you, though.

Most mothers have passed through this phase successfully, so why not you? Getting a minor tear during birth is not so horrific. The main issue is when your stitches become sore and take too long to heal.

Sometimes your perineal wound becomes infected, causing total havoc on your entire body.


What can you do to prevent your stitches from infection?


Worry not.

As a mom who has undergone episiotomy three times, I will give you some tips on how to heal vaginal stitches. I’ll take you through things that help stitches heal faster after birth. But before then, let’s examine the main causes of vaginal tears during childbirth.

What Causes Vaginal Tears During Birth?

Women get a tear or go through an episiotomy when their baby is too big to pass through the vagina naturally. The cut or the tear slightly widens your vaginal to allow your newborn to pass smoothly without the danger of compressing the head. 

But you may be wondering;

Is perineal tear and episiotomy the same thing?

Definitely no.

While a tear happens naturally, episiotomy is a cut your midwives will make to increase the perineal area for the baby to pass smoothly.

A tear happens spontaneously as the baby stretches the vagina during birth. On the other hand, an episiotomy is a cut that your midwife or doctor voluntarily makes to ease birth.

Depending on the degree of a tear or an episiotomy, you may need a stitch to repair the place.

What are the Chances of Needing Stitches After Birth?

Not every woman needs stitches during vaginal birth. However, some of the things that could place you at a higher risk of vaginal tears include the following:

  • It’s your first vaginal birth
  • You are birthing a big baby, about 4kgs with broad shoulders
  • You experience a prolonged second stage of labor
  • You experience an assisted delivery, like the use of forceps or vacuum
  • You have a Breech presentation of the baby

How are Vaginal stitches Done After Birth?

For minor stitches —first and second-degree tears— your midwives will stitch you immediately after birthing the placenta.

The process is quite uncomfortable but only takes a short time. It involves numbing the area with local anesthesia and running the stitches over your perineal skin.

Often, the stitches are dissolvable. And you will not have to go back to the hospital for removal. Once in a while, when you’re about to heal, you may notice some pieces of threads remaining in your sitz bath.


Few women get severe tears during birth. This can be a third or fourth-degree tear that extends to muscles controlling the anus and rectum.

If that happens, you may need specialized medical treatment to avoid complications like leaky bladder or loose stool.

This treatment will only be done in an operating theatre with a specialist gyno.

How Long Do Vaginal Stitches Take to Heal?

Generally, your first six weeks are ideal for knowing whether things are progressing well.

Most women feel better between 3 to 6 weeks, but it all depends on an individual and how well you take care of your vagina after birth.

If you have deep wounds and severe stitches, it may take a while before you can comfortably say that you’re well.

However, if you had grazes affecting only the skin, it would take at least a week or two to heal. 

The healing process will see new tissue growth around your perineal area, gradually filling the gap where the stitches were.

What Helps Vaginal Stitches Heal Faster After Birth?

Just like you would treat any wound for a quick recovery, keeping the perineal area clean and reducing body inflammation should be your top priority if you want your stitches to heal faster.

According to NIH, wound healing involves various biological processes.

At a glance, your body will go through highly programmed phases like hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation, and re-modeling to achieve recovery.

This happens naturally, in a proper sequence, and within some time frame.

Here is a summary of what helps stitches heal faster after birth.

  • For tissue regeneration and body healing, — eat anti-inflammatory foods
  • To clean your stitches — immerse your bum in a sitz bath
  • To keep your Vaginal stitches dry — use absorbent pads and wear breathable underwear
  • For swelling and pain relief— apply some coolness
  • For toilet needs— have your laxatives, peri bottles, and footstool

There you have it.

Let’s now dive right into the nitty-gritty of the things that help stitches heal faster after birth.

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How to Heal Vaginal Stitches After Birth

vaginal stitches after birth


1. Eat healing foods for tissue repair and regeneration

It will be unrealistic to start by mentioning a bunch of products for healing your postpartum vaginal stitches without touching the body itself.

Childbirth may leave you with micronutrient depletion.

As such, you should be deliberate about healthy eating to replenish your micronutrients for quick recovery. 


For a quick recovery, your body needs to make new collagen.

You also need adequate anti-inflammatory enzymes and antioxidants to prevent free radicals from damaging your body cells. 

 Luckily, you don’t have to hustle to get this done.

Eating healthy foods like fresh fruits, leafy green vegetables, healthy fats, and protein has proved effective in reducing inflammation and improving immune function.

These foods can also help promote healing and provide the fuel necessary to get you on the mend.

 Here are examples of the best foods to heal your stitches after birth.

  •  Leafy green vegetables: Leafy green vegetables are rich in vitamin C- an excellent element of collagen formation. They also contain folate, magnesium, and manganese necessary for body recovery. Eating vegetables like kale, collard greens, spinach, and mustard greens, can lower inflammation, enhance immune function, and speed up your stitch recovery.
  •   Organ meat: Organ meats comes from animals’ organs. You may get this meat from cows, pigs, lambs, goats, and chickens. Meat from animal organs contains immune-supportive nutrients like vitamin A, heme iron, zinc, and B vitamins. Besides, they are loaded with copper, essential for the production of connective tissue and collagen to support healing. Additionally, eating organs like the liver, tongue, heart, kidneys, brain, and stripe gives you additional protein to enhance your postnatal recovery.
  •  Whole eggs: Whole Eggs are an excellent source of iron, selenium, zinc, and vitamins A and B12. These nutrients and vitamins play a vital role in boosting your immune system. Besides, Eggs are also an excellent source of highly absorbable protein necessary for but also immune support and wound healing.
  • Blueberries and grapes: Berries are loaded with vitamin C, essential for your stitch healing. They also contain antioxidants like anthocyanins, plant compounds that lower inflammation in the body. Additionally, studies show that berries provide anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and immune-supporting effects. They also help in building new blood vessels.
  •  Poultry meat: Eating chicken and turkey meat provides glutamine and arginine. These two amino acids play a significant role in recovery and healing. Glutamine enhances cellular protection during times of illness or stress in your body. On the other hand, arginine assists in collagen production and wound healing.


Grab a supplement to fill in the nutrition gaps.

I cannot overemphasize the importance of postnatal supplements to a new mom. While some moms choose to continue with their prenatal vitamins, I advocate for a postpartum supplement that supports general wellness, immunity, milk production, and energy levels, to enhance a speedy recovery.

Here is our top picks;



2. Do Sitz bath for deep cleaning your Vaginal stitches After Birth

vaginal stitches after birth

You’ve heard that the fastest way to heal your vaginal stitches after birth is to keep the perineal area clean.

But how do you even clean this hidden and sore area, especially in the first few weeks?

The answer is simple.

Perform regular sitz baths.

Just like the name suggests, a sitz bath involves sitting in a warm, shallow bath for a few minutes.

This exercise is meant to deep clean your stitches, thus relieving discomfort in your perineal region. 

Unlike springling water when bathing, Sitting in a shallow bath allows water to reach the hidden parts of the perineal area. Here are the benefits of sitz bath on your stitches.

  • It deep-cleans your vaginal stitches
  • Increases blood flow to the perineal area, which reduces swelling and inflammation and promotes healing.
  • It enhances relaxation in the perineum muscles, thus relieving pain and discomfort.
  • It Soothes the soreness and relieves the itchy feeling.
  • Dissolves your stitches as they heal.

If you commit to doing sitz baths at least twice a day in the first weeks after delivery, it may foster your quick stitch recovery.


How do you set up and use a sitz bath?

Setting and using a sitz bath is very simple.

  • Get your sitz basin from the nearest baby shop. You may also get it through a reputable online store like amazon.
  • Fit your sitz bath on your toilet
  • Fill your basin with 2 to 3 inches of warm water. You want the water level to cover your vaginal area when you sit down. 
  • Soak your bum twice a day in the first week after delivery for about 20 minutes in the following weeks, and depending on how you feel, you may do your sitz birth just once a day.
  • Drain and refill your basin with warm water after a few minutes to ensure that you sit in the water the entire session.
  • Gently pat the area dry using a clean, soft towel. 


What makes a sitz basin ideal for cleaning vaginal stitches after birth?

  • Easy and comfortable to use
  • Made with medical-grade material to lower the risk of infection
  • As the water coals, you can add extra water from the plastic bag through the tube without getting up.
  • Some kits have a squeeze ball that increases water pressure when squeezed to ensure deep cleaning of your genitals.
  • You may also use it for pregnancy-related hemorrhoids
  • Most sitz baths are convertible. As such, you can use them as a bidet after your recovery.

When should I stop using a sitz bath?

Sitz baths are safe, and you can do them as long as you want. However, you may want to discontinue the use when your soreness, pain, and itching subside.

Start by reducing the number of times you sit in your basin. If you were having your sitz bath 2-3 times, you want only to do it in the evening. You can stop taking sitz baths once your wounds have healed.

Are there risks associated with using a sitz bath?

Medics consider sitz bath as a noninversion treatment. As such, the risks associated with this practice are minimal. However, be sure to clean your bath properly after use. You may increase the risk of infection in the perineal area if you do not always keep your bath kit clean.

Best sitz bath for postpartum stitch recovery and hemorrhoids


3. Add Epsom salt to reduce soreness and help heal vaginal stitches after birth

vaginal stitches after birth


Epsom salt, best known as bath salt, consists of magnesium, sulfur, and oxygen.

Unlike your normal table salt, which is made of sodium chloride, Epsom salt is made of magnesium sulfate, an ion with vast functions in our bodies.

For centuries, many communities have used Epsom salt for health benefits.

It was used to ease constipation, reduce muscle cramps and curb inflammation.

Today, midwives still recommend Epsom salt for such courses, including healing your vaginal stitches after birth.

But how does Epsom salt work?

First, you must dissolve Epsom salt in the water to release magnesium and sulfate ions.

The idea is that these particles can be absorbed through your skin, providing you with magnesium and sulfates.

 Research shows that magnesium can reduce inflammation, thus promoting body recovery.

Most people prefer taking Epsom salt baths for relaxation. However, you may also use it for cosmetic purposes or as laxatives through supplements.

Does Epsom salt help in postnatal stitches recovery?

Many new moms have found that taking Epsom salt baths can reduce muscle soreness and relieve cramps — thus fastening your stitch recovery.

According to studies, the magnesium elements in Epsom salt help reduce inflammation, pain, and swelling.

How do you use Epsom salt for postpartum stitch recovery?

  Take an Epsom salt bath.

  • After setting up your warm sitz bath, add about ½ cup of Epsom salt. The water must be warm enough to dissolve the salt without burning your bum.
  • Soak your perineal area for 10 to 20 minutes.
  • Rinse and dry yourself to avoid irritation.

Please note that Epsom salt comes in different grades, depending on its intended use. As such, be sure to get Epsom salt safe for medicinal use. You may want to ascertain its “USP grade first before buying.

Our top picks for postpartum stitch recovery



4. Use an absorbent–stitch friendly postpartum pad for dryness

The first road to stitch healing is to caution yourself against infection in your perineal area.

And how do you achieve this?

Observe cleanliness and avoid creating conditions that can encourage the growth of bacteria.

And that is why you need an absorbent postpartum pad.

Postpartum pads are tailor-made to absorb heavy bleeding that follows childbirth thus, allowing your stitches to stay dry most of the time.

In the first few weeks, you’ll experience heavy bleeding as your body expels tissue and blood from the uterus. 

As such,

You’ll need an absorbent pad to keep you secure, comfortable, and dry. 

Postpartum pads tend to be thicker and absorbent, holding more fluid than a typical menstrual pad. They also tend to be longer and wider in the back, with wings for added security.

Besides being tailor-made for heavy bleeding, some postnatal pads add softness to cater to your vaginal stitches. These pads are made with a soft material that offers gentle cushioning. 

What should you look for in a postpartum pad?

Soft. A postpartum pad should be soft and gentle on the skin. After giving birth, you may experience soreness and sensitivity. If you’ve had stitches, it’s even more critical not to experience chafing against raw skin.

Absorbent. Vaginal bleeding after delivery can be especially heavy for the first few days as your body expels tissue and blood from the uterus. Postpartum pads are specially made to absorb heavy bleeding. However, you may still need to change it often, thrice or so, depending on your flow. Remember, wet + warm is a conducive breeding ground for harmful bacteria, that can delay your recovery.

Our top picks


5. Use healing form for pain and swelling to heal Vaginal Stitches After Birth


According to a study, foams pose significant benefits in wound healing. They are very absorbent and thus can promote wound healing by absorbing excess exudate to lower the risk of wound infection.

There is a variety of healing forms for postpartum needs. However, we prefer Frida baby Medicated Witch Hazel healing foam.


Because it consists of Witch hazel herbs.

Witch Hazel is a plant used in folk medicine in the US. The leaves and bark are made into teas and ointments for medicinal purposes.

According to research, witch hazel treats skin irritation, hemorrhoids, and fights infections.

Additionally, this plant has been found to have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation.

For new moms, witch hazel is often recommended for vaginal soreness, perineum issues, and hemorrhoids.

How do you use Frida Baby Medicated Witch Hazel healing foam?

  •  First, Clean your vaginal stitches with a sitz bath or warm water in a peri bottle. 
  • Spread your absorbent postpartum pad
  • Add foam on top of each clean postpartum pad or pad liner for pain relief and swelling reduction.

Additionally, if you’re thinking of something herbal, then go for Motherlove sitz bath Spray. Although it’s not a foam, this too contains witch hazel with additional herbs that can fasten your recovery.


6. Perineal squeeze bottles for after pee

Many new moms tend to ask;

Is a perineal bottle necessary for postpartum recovery?

Well, mama,

Using the washroom after childbirth can be a thorn in the flesh. The soreness and stingy feeling will make you think twice before pulling that tissue role to wipe your pee. 

And even if you manage to wipe off the pee, what about the acidic sensation of the urine?

I know you have been told that urine is somehow a medicine to your stitches but let us be realistic.

Would you rather stay with that sensation or wash it off?

I don’t know.

For me

That is where the peri bottle comes in handy.

The peri bottle is a must-have postnatal stitch recovery product designed specifically to meet the postnatal stitch needs of mothers after peeing.

 It’s designed to act as a portable bidet that dilutes the stinging effect of urine on your sore or stitched perineum.

The Bottle features a narrow angled neck, allowing you to clean yourself gently and easily, thus helping speed up recovery.

Instead of using toilet paper to wipe, squirt warm water from the peri bottle to clean the vulva and perineum and gently pat dry with a clean cloth. 

What makes a peri bottle ideal for vaginal stitches?

  • The ergonomic design allows it to be held upside down for ease of use. 
  •  A narrow angled neck allows an angled spout, so you only spritz the areas that need water.
  • Excellent capacity for carrying water for your toilet needs. It also comes with a waterproof storage bag for the on-the-go. 

How to use a peri bottle

  • Fill the peri bottle with warm water and point the angled neck at the area you want to clean while you’re sitting on the toilet
  • Squeeze the bottle and spray the water over the area to clean away urine and reduce the stinging feeling that is associated with urination on your stitches.
  • Use a soft clean cloth to pat the area dry. 
  • Consider adding 1-2 drops of witch hazel to your water for extra soothing relief.  

Additionally, sitting on the furthest end of the toilet, and leaning forward (as though you’re leaning on your belly) can help lift your bum and make your pee fall forward and down instead of running over your stitches—just tips.

Our Top Picks

7. Unscented -flushable perineal wipes plus a footstool for poop

After delivery and subsequent vaginal stitching, no one tells you about your first bowel movement.

I swear this is a real pain in the ass.

Having your first poop can be terrifying.

The stretching in your stitched area can be creepy and chilling.

Your swollen miss V. does not need further bruising by a rough toilet paper in the name of cleaning off your mess.

That is why unscented flushable perineal wipes come in handy.

In the first week or two, you’ll want to use soft wipes instead of your everyday toilet paper.

Be sure to buy super soft wipes, or better still, medicated ones.

A peri bottle can also be used here if you want to use water for extra cleaning. 

Additionally, get a squatty potty for proper toilet position.

Sometimes you may experience constipation, and the best way to help yourself is to prop your feet up for comfort and movement of the bowel.

The footstool puts you into a squat position. Your bowels can do their job with way less strain in this position.

8. Postpartum underwear for wound breathability


Do you really need postpartum underwear? 

Definitely yes.

And here is why.

Childbirth comes with a prolonged period of bleeding. Some may bleed for two weeks some struggle even to up to the 6th week.

Having underwear that does not support the elongated postnatal pads may be quite uncomfortable. In fact, you may experience friction as you walk around. 

Also, swelling and pain are expected during the postpartum recovery period. And the last thing you want is scratchy, uncomfortable underwear. 

Besides, your stitches need to breathe.

So what is the deal?

Put away those thongs for a while or until you have recovered.

Opt for soft, breathable fabrics and a full-coverage cut. Most postnatal undies are made from stretching material for added comfort. Just get a minimum of three, and you’re good to go.

Breathable underwear makes you sweat less, thus preventing the itchy feeling in your stitches.

What to look for in postnatal underwear.

  • Size: your bump won’t immediately disappear after birth. As such, you may want to size up when purchasing postpartum underwear. Roomy undies can accommodate sanitary towels and ice packs. Be sure to check the brand’s size guidelines for more information.
  • Fabric; be sure to go for soft- breathable material like cotton. Wearing a pad throughout the day or consistently for two weeks is not a joke. You want something that fosters free air circulation without keeping your perineal area always wet.

Our top picks


9. Padsicles and Ice packs for pain management of vaginal stitches

Ice pads are essential for vaginal bruising, swelling, and stitches.

Putting ice on your stitches helps to manage pain. It reduces pain and inflammation, thus, promoting faster wound healing.

One study found that ice packs cold gel, cold pad, or crushed ice gel pad, could help to numb superficial tissue and decrease edema, leading to reduced pain

Similarly, A randomized control study in Brazil, concluded that ice packs placed within hours of delivery provided significant pain relief for mothers.


Where do you get the ice for your postnatal stitches?

Most mamas prefer making frozen pads at home. It’s a simple process involving a postnatal pad and a few essentials for quick healing.

Here is the recipe for homemade padsicles for postpartum recovery

What you will need

  • Absorbent Postpartum pad
  • Alcohol-free Witch hazel: To help reduce swelling, pain, and bruising. It will also relieve itching and inflammation associated with hemorrhoids.
  • Organic aloe vera gel: it’s loaded with anti-inflammatory properties to reduce inflammation and promote healing.
  • Freezer bags for storage

How to make padsicles at home.

  • Get the postpartum pad of your choice and unfold the wings(be sure not to remove it completely from its wrapper.)
  • Add your organic aloe vera gel generously to the entire length of the pad for soothing and healing reasons. Using a clean finger, spread or rub the aloe vera gel over the sanitary napkin.
  • Spray witch hazel form to reduce inflammation
  • You may add a few drops of pure lavender oil for a calming effect, but it is optional.
  • Refold the pad in its original wrapper and freeze them in freezer bags.
  • Once you’re ready to use a padsicle, take it out of the freezer and allow it to thaw for a few minutes before wearing it, just like a regular pad.

While a padsicle can relieve pain, swelling, and inflammation, the coolness of a pad gradually wears off. Nevertheless, it will continue to offer healing benefits due to the witch hazel and aloe vera.

You may have your padsicle on for at least 4 hours before changing.


Are there alternatives to homemade padscles?


You may also buy a ready-made cold pack, ice, or gel pack to help reduce pain in your postpartum stitches.

Be sure to;

  • Remove Ice packs and cold compresses at least after 10 to 20 minutes. You may reapply after a few hours if need be.
  • Also, Instant Perineal Cold Packs are medical devices. Be sure to check the CE mark before buying.

 Here are our top picks.


10. Use a Numbing spray to relieve pain

Skin-numbing sprays and creams act like local anesthetics. They work by blocking nerve signals, thus inhibiting sensitivity to pain in wounded areas.

Numbing products are used before performing minor medical procedures, tattooing your body, or cosmetic procedures.

Postnatal numbing products are must-have things for pain management. These products reduce sensitivity and relieve pain around your perineal stitches.

Various numbing products include topical anesthetic creams, lidocaine spray, or Dermaplast.

 Here is our top pick



Dermoplast is an anesthetic spray used to treat skin conditions like rash, eczema, and minor burns.

Though primarily used in hospitals, this product can aid stitch healing by relieving discomfort.

Dermoplast contains a topical anesthetic known as benzocaine. Benzocaine is an excellent pain reliever and menthol, which has a cooling sensation to help soothe the skin.

Can you use Dermoplast on perineal stitches?

Dermoplast is considered safe to use on perineal stitches. Most hospitals give their patients after delivery. However, having your own while back home is paramount for pain management.

11. Sitting cushion for comfort

I’ve seen many first-time mothers struggle to sit with stitches.

I was here too.

In fact, you may find yourself leaning on one side as you sit and keep changing position in search of comfort.


How do you sit with stitches?

It’s funny.

Squeeze the cheeks of your bottom together when sitting. This helps to avoid stretching your sore stitches.

Also, incorporate sitting pillows best known as donut pillows like valley cushions postpartum for added comfort. 

12. Postpartum Stool Softeners.

Popooing after childbirth comes with many challenges. You may experience constipation, bloating, hemorrhoids and pain while passing stool.

Postpartum constipation is quite common and is brought about by many factors.

Doctors suggest that changes in your anal sphincter muscles after delivery and stitches can affect your bowel movement.

Similarly, other factors like changes in sleep partner, stress, use of iron supplements, and dehydration can highly contribute to constipation after birth.

To manage constipation problems;

  • Eat fiber-rich foods like whole grains, kale, lentils, and beans.
  • Eat natural laxatives like prunes, apples, pears, and kiwi
  • We also recommend warm liquids like tea to help you meet your breast milk production while keeping you hydrated.
  • Keep hydrated by drinking a lot of water. Consider taking coconut water, too, for energization. Coconut water is loaded with potassium and may act as an electrolyte during your recovery seasons.
  • Add a fibre supplement like Metamucil to your drink.

Your healthcare provider may also prescribe a stool softener depending on the severity of constipation.

This medication can effectively ease your bowel movement and reduce straining. They also make your stool a bit lighter, lessening the severity of the effect on your stitches.

13. Have a good sleep

Sleep affects every aspect of your body’s healing process. Studies indicate that wounds heal when your systems form new or repair the damaged tissues and cells.

The growth of new tissues and the repair of damaged cells happen during sleep’s 3rd and 4 th stages. That is according to the National Sleep Foundation.

If you do not get this deep sleep often, you increase the risk of delayed healing in your stitches.


Long-quality sleep also strengthens your immunity. It helps your immunity to produce enzymes that fight inflammation and infections. It also promotes the repair and regeneration of new tissues.

Additionally, good sleep promotes optimal heart functioning. This allows proper blood and oxygen circulation in your system for faster body healing. 


How do you even get a good rest of about 7 to 9 hours with a newborn?

  • Monitor your baby’s sleep schedule for the long napping time. Ensure you sleep when they sleep, even if it is during the day.
  • Get someone to assist, including your spouse and other family members, for the first few weeks. This will give you ample time to rest.
  • Do less social media. Honestly, social media can take a lot of time without realizing it. Doing away with your everyday activities can free up time to rest. Just adjust your schedule.
  • For the first month, you may limit the number of visitors to avoid sitting for long hours in the name of receiving congratulatory messages.

Related: 7 Unwritten Baby Routines That Sustained My Sanity In the First 3 Months After Delivery

How do you sleep with perineal stitches?

If you have severe stitches, the side-lying position can go a long way to keep pressure off the perineal area. Be sure to use a small pillow in between your legs for comfort. Also, a sleeping bear and exposing the stitches to fresh air can help your recovery journey.

If you’re worried about discharge and incontinence in the first weeks, worry no more. Medline reusable underpads will save your night.

Is there a way you can avoid getting stitches when giving birth?

While childbirth is a process that involves many factors, there is always something you can do to lower the risk of getting a tear or an episiotomy. The best way is to enroll in a birth class where you learn various births technical from a professional.

However, doing simple stretches, and birth ball exercises may also help. Here is a complete list of things that can lower the risk of having stitches during delivery.

When to seek professional help

  • Too much discharge with foul-smell
  • Body fever
  • Increased swelling


To heal your stitches faster after birth, observe cleaning the wound through sitz baths and using water after the toilet. Please ensure the stitches remain dry by using absorbent pads and changing them often. Remember to eat body-healing foods and have a good rest. These, too, are essential factors for promoting speedy postpartum recovery.









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