Dealing with an Itchy Vagina: 8 Best Home Remedies for Vaginal Itching and Burning

Home Remedies for Vaginal Itching

by Polyne K.
vaginal itching and burning

Home Remedies for Vaginal Itching: Natural Relief Options. Find fast relief from vaginal itching with these natural home remedies.

Imagine sitting among your friends, and oops! There comes this funny feeling in your Miss V. Itchy, itchy, itchy. You want to drop your hand towards the south, but again what an embarrassment.

Vaginal itching is an uncomfortable condition that causes stigmatization whenever it’s mentioned.

While some women encounter it in their youth, it’s prevalent during pregnancy or after delivery. According to medics, vaginal itching can happen for many reasons. And, here I will tell you everything I know, including possible home remedies for vaginal itching.

But before we dive in, let’s first examine the possible causes.

What Causes of Vaginal Itching

An itchy vagina often results from infections or lifestyle issues. Minor vulva itching may occur due to using products that irritate the sensitive skin around the genitals. However, this will clear over time without medication. You only need to stop using the triggers.

If the itchiness goes beyond the vulva and you feel it deep in your vaginal area, it may indicate some underlying issues. It can be infections or hormonal imbalances.

The main reasons that cause vaginal itchiness include;

  • Having bacterial infections such as vaginitis
  • Fungal infections such as yeast
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases such as genital warts and herps
  • Vaginal dryness due to hormonal changes. This change happens during menstrual cycles, pregnancy, or as one approach menopause.
  • Exposure to chemical irritants in scented soaps, certain vaginal creams, scented menstrual pads, and famine sprays.
  • Certain underwear materials can irritate the skin around the vulva
  • Underwear washed and worn without drying properly
  • Regular use of synthetic, oral contraceptives that may raise estrogen level
  • Regular douching
  • Razor burns and bumps
  • Extreme weather changes like summer
  • Regular consumption of food with processed sugars and refined carbs
  • Skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis, which could spread to your vulva
  • Pubic lice infestation
  • Uncontrolled Diabetes
  • High-stress level
  • Being on antibiotics for a long time may result in a natural vaginal balance
  • An impaired immune system
  • High alcohol intake and regular smoking

Symptoms of Vaginal Irritations

Vaginal irritation can present itself in many ways. However, the most common symptoms may include;

  • an itchy and dry vulva usually without discharge
  • pain during sexual intercourse
  • flushed or smooth, white patches around the area
  • blisters

Home Remedies for Vaginal Itching and Irritation

vaginal itching and burning


1. Baking soda bath for yeast infections

A recent study suggests that baking soda has the potential to kill yeast infections, causing cells best known as Candida cells. If you experience an itchy vagina as a result of yeast infection you may find some relief using baking soda.

Also, National Eczema Foundation recommends adding some baking soda to your bath to help relieve skin irritation and itchiness caused by eczema.

Before taking it as home remedies for vaginal itching, you may want to establish the cause of your itching first. This will help to determine whether it will be of help or not. You can then prepare your baking soda baths by

  • Add a 1/4 cup of baking soda to your bathtub. Allow it some time to dissolve.
  • Soak in the bath for 10 to 20 minutes, ensuring that your lower body is submerged in the tub. Repeat the process for at least three days or until you feel better.


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2. Apple cider vinegar sitz bath as Home remedies for vaginal itching

Apple cider vinegar is famous for its medicinal value. as such it can be one of your best home remedies for vaginal itching. It consists of antiseptic and antibacterial properties. These properties can fight some classes of bacteria and toxins, which often result in infections and cause vaginal odor.

A 2014 study found that ACV consists of anti-fungal properties against candid app fungus. This represents a possible therapeutic alternative for people suffering from yeast infections. Besides, it can help restore the Ph. balance in your Yoni.

Add a cup of ACV to lukewarm water in a bathtub and soak for 20mins. The anti-fungal component of vinegar can eliminate any harmful microorganisms, including yeast. Do this for at least three consecutive days.


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3. Indian lilac

The Indian lilac plant, known as Neem, has vast abilities to cure many anti-fungal and bacterial infections like candida yeast. It consists of anti-fungal, antiviral, and antibacterial properties, which help fight a broad spectrum of infections.

Since the time memorial, many traditions endorsed this plant as one of the best home remedies for vaginal itching.

Put a handful of Neem leaves in a water jug and bring them to a boil: strain and cool the substance. Daily rinse the vaginal area with this for at least a week.


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4.Eat probiotics for vaginal health

Probiotics are an excellent home remedy for an itchy vagina. According to NIH, they are living microorganisms with health benefits. They promote the growth of good bacteria, thus ensuring a pH balance in your genital.

Ensure that you make probiotic-containing meals part of your diet to help keep off infections like yeast. Foods like greek yogurts not only add calcium to your body but ensure that your Yoni remains healthy.

Eat fermented food and dietary supplements to keep a good balance between good and harmful bacteria. Consequently, your health provider may recommend an excellent probiotic after prolonged use of antibiotics.

5. Tea Tree Oil as Home Remedies for Vaginal Itching

vaginal itching and burning

Tea tree oil comes from Melaleuca alternifolia. This is a small native tree to Queensland and New South Wales, Australia. For centuries, this tree has been used as traditional medicine by Aborigines.

Today, tea tree oil is widely known for its many compounds, such as terpene-4-o1, that kill certain bacteria, viruses, and fungi. No wonder it’s used among the best home remedies for vaginal itching.

Tea tree oil’s antiseptic and anti-inflammatory components make it valuable as a natural remedy for fighting vaginal candidiasis, a significant cause of itchiness in Miss V.

A study reveals that the tea tree’s antifungal and antimicrobial properties naturally help eliminate undesirable odor-causing bacteria. More studies have proved the effectiveness of tea trees in fighting vaginal infections.

According to mother wise, the combo of unrefined coconut oil, lavender essential oil, and tea tree essential oil worked well for her infection.

Worth noting is that, before using this oil, ensure that you dilute it with carrier oil. This can be coconut or jojoba oil, depending on your preferences. Never apply it on your skin without diluting it.

Also, you can add three-four drops of tea tree essential oil to a cup of warm water and rinse your perianal area. Apply this combo daily for at least one week for a notable change. Alternatively, you may get already prepared tea tree vaginal suppositories to serve you better.

Tea tree oil is known to be reactive, and as such, you need to test whether it’s compatible with your skin. In case of any reactions, you need to stop the use and seek professional advice.

6. Clove baths and oil

Clove is one of the best home remedies for vaginal itching. You can use cloves to ease vaginal itchiness. Although it’s primarily used in dentistry, a study has found that Eugenol, a substance in cloves, possesses significant antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These components are effective in curing a wide range of infections.

According to NIH studies, cloves can cure many infections due to their many properties.

It contains antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and anticancer properties used in cosmetology and pharmacology.

Another 2017 Study found that cloves oil had a significantly soothing effect on chronicle itchy skin than petroleum oil.

Although I’ve not come across a study that directly links clove oil to vaginal itchiness, many women have used it and found positive results. Here is the procedure.

  • Take a medium-sized cup of cloves.
  • Soak them in a 2-liter water bottle and leave it for three days
  • After a while, the watercolor will turn brown.
  • Use the water to wash your vulva morning and evening.

This antiseptic treatment helps to reduce vaginal odor and itchiness.

7. Apply unrefined organic coconut oil to reduce vaginal dryness

Do you know that pure coconut oil can be an excellent lubricant for a dry vagina? Sometimes you may experience vaginal dryness due to breastfeeding or infection. Consequently, this dryness may cause itchiness and discomfort.

Using coconut oil can help lubricate your vulva, especially during intercourse. Massage a considerable amount of coconut oil in your vulva before the action and see the difference.

Besides being a lubricant, coconut oil possesses other health benefits like boosting metabolism, reducing seizures, and helping digestion. It also has antibacterial properties effective for yeast infection treatment.

According to a 2007 study, coconut oil was found to kill some fungal species effectively. Since then, more studies have emerged pointing to the positive effect of pure coconut oil in fungal infection treatment.

For years, older women have used coconut oil after giving birth to foster quick vaginal healing. Today, women use it to soothe vaginal itchiness and ease burning sensations in the vulva.

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8. Over the Counter Medication

Since time memorial, boric acid has proved to be effective in treating vaginal infections. According to a study, boric acid contains antifungal and antiviral properties that make it suitable to treat a wide range of bacteria.

Often, it’s put in gelatin capsules, and you need to insert it in your vagina, preferably at night. some women, however, state that dissolving boric powder and using it to wash your Yoni can significantly reduce the itchiness.

Other over-the-counter medications that have successfully cleared vaginal itchiness include yeast antifungals like fluconazole. However, you should consult your health caregiver on the dosage before buying. Remember never to consume boric acid through your mouth, as this can be fatal.


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When to Seek Help About Vaginal Itching

So many factors cause vaginal itchiness. While some are easy to treat at home, some can be difficult, especially those caused by underlying medical issues. Consult your gynecologist if;

  • The itching is severe and seems to disrupt your daily life or sleep.
  • The itching reoccurs after a shorter period, like a span of two weeks
  • You have pain when urinating
  • Swellings, blisters, and foul-smelling in the vulva
  • increased vaginal discharge that may be grey, white, or green
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse

The information contained in this post is for general information purposes only. I’m not a health practitioner and as such, this information should not be used as a substitute for consultation with your professional service provider.


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