9 Best Toothache Relief Home Remedies

Home Remedies for Toothache

by Polyne K.
toothache remedies

Explore a variety of toothache relief remedies, including natural home treatments like clove oil and over-the-counter solutions, to soothe pain and discomfort quickly. Learn how to manage  toothaches effectively with best Home Remedies for Toothache.

Toothaches can strike anytime. However, I find It often happening during the most inconvenient times, turning exciting moments into unbearable challenges.

In fact, most toothache triggers strike either when you’re having fun or at night.

For instance, you may be having fun at a friend’s party and accidentally bite a piece of meat, which triggers your cavities leading to severe toothache.

 Or maybe you’re just trying to enjoy a peaceful night’s sleep, but that persistent, throbbing pain in your mouth won’t let you.

 Having a toothache is exasperating and relentless pain, that makes it nearly impossible to focus on anything else.

Often, Over-the-counter medications might  sometimes not be on hand, and constant dental visits can be costly and time-consuming.

That is why it’s necessary to learn how to quickly alleviate that excruciating discomfort using simple, effective home remedies.

 In this blog post, we’ll explore the best home remedies for toothache relief, which can help you manage and reduce that unbearable pain from the comfort of your home.

But before then,

What Causes Toothache

There are very many causes of Toothache. These include;

  • tooth decay
  • a cracked or damaged tooth
  • broken and loose tooth fillings
  • oral infections in the mouth

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9 Best Toothache Relief Home remedies

toothache remedies

1. Remove Stuck Object First

Sometimes, tooth pain can be triggered when a foreign object gets lodged between your teeth.

Food particles, especially hard or fibrous ones, can get stuck and cause significant discomfort. This can lead to exacerbating pain, especially if you have sensitive teeth or cavities.

If left unattended for long, these particles may lead to pressure, irritation, and swelling in the gums.

As such, the first thing to do with a toothache is to remove stuck objects. Gently push away these particles with your tongue. You can also gaggle some water or use a toothpick to gently push them out.

If there are no foreign objects, go straight to point two.

2. Gargling with Salt Water for Toothache Relief

Saltwater is a natural disinfectant and a simple, effective remedy for many oral issues. Research shows that gargling with salt water can help alleviate toothaches.


Homemade saline has an antibacterial action that can last for about three hours.  As such, swishing with warm salt water may help alleviate toothache pain.

The saline solution creates an inhospitable environment for bacteria, reducing the risk of infection and aiding in the healing process of mouth sores or gum pain.


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How to use salt water for toothache relief:

  • Dissolve a 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt in a glass of water preferable warm, and swish it in your mouth. You can do this for about 30 seconds.
  • Spit it out and repeat as necessary.

Get Your Natural Sea Salt Healing Mouth Rinse Here

3. Cloves and Clove Oil for Toothache Relief

For many years, Cloves have been used as spices to add taste to foods. However, recent studies show that this spice is a natural anesthetic.

It contains eugenol and oleic acid compounds that can help numb and reduce pain to ease a toothache.

Cloves have natural anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce pain and swelling.

In fact, another study found that Clove oil was quite effective against microorganisms causing dental caries. It also has a pain-relieving ability, which qualifies it to be used as an anesthetic product.

How to use clove for toothache relief

  • gently chew a whole clove to release its oil and hold it against the affected tooth for up to 30 minutes.
  • You may also soak a cotton ball in clove oil. Then, apply it to the affected area. Make sure you dilute clove oil with a carrier oil like coconut oil.

Avoid swallowing any of it. Ingesting clove oil can lead to several adverse effects, such as breathing difficulties and upset stomach.

Get Your Natural Clove Oil For Teeth & Gums Here


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4. Ginger-Garlic Paste for Toothache Relief

According to this research, Ginger-garlic paste is one of the best home remedies for alleviating toothache.


Garlic Contains allicin, a compound with strong antibacterial properties. This can help combat the bacteria causing tooth infections or decay.

Consequently, Ginger Contains gingerol, which also has antibacterial properties that help reduce the bacterial load in the mouth.

According to this study, using these spices differently may not give you quick relief as their individual Zones of inhibition are only 5mm.

However, mixing them together to make ginger-garlic paste raises their zone of microorganism inhabitation to 25mm, which makes it quite effective in curbing toothache.

Additionally, Ginger and garlic have been traditionally used for pain relief due to their mild analgesic properties.

This makes them effective in reducing the pain associated with a toothache.


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How to Use Ginger-Garlic Paste for Toothache Relief

  1. Preparation:
  • Take equal parts of fresh Ginger and garlic.
  • Crush or blend them to form a paste.


    • Apply a small paste directly onto the affected tooth and surrounding gum area.
    • Let it sit for a few minutes to allow the active compounds to take effect, then Rinse your mouth using warm saline water.

toothache remedies

5. Neem Parts for Toothache Relief

Neem, also known as Azadirachta indica, is a plant whose leaves, bark, and oil have been used for centuries in traditional medicine.

In fact, neem bark is a natural toothbrush used in many communities in Africa and India.

Studies suggest brushing your teeth with neem sticks or chewing leaves may help reduce plaque because they are good oral hygiene tools.

Neem is known for its various medicinal properties, particularly in oral health.

It contains Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory Properties. Neem contains compounds such as nimbidin, nimbin, and azadirachtin, which have strong antibacterial properties.

These compounds help combat bacteria that cause dental infections, plaque, and tooth decay, common causes of toothaches.

Research shows that it can help combat teeth and gum diseases, prevent cavities, and significantly improve oral health, including healing toothaches.

How to Use Neem for Toothache Relief

Neem Leaves

Chewing Fresh Leaves: Chewing fresh neem leaves can help in relieving toothache. Ensure the leaves are clean before chewing.

Neem Leaf Paste: Crush fresh neem leaves into a paste and apply it directly to the affected area. Leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing with warm water. If the pain is too much, you may consider adding turmeric (a painkiller) to make a neem-turmeric paste.

Neem Oil

Direct Application: Using a cotton ball or swab, put a few drops of neem oil on the affected tooth and surrounding gums. Leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing.

Neem Twig (Datun)

Traditional practice involves chewing on a neem twig, which helps clean the teeth and gums, reduce the bacterial load, and relieve toothache.

Get Your High -Grade Neem Oil 


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6. Turmeric and Coconut Oil Paste for Toothache Relief

According to this study, turmeric can cure a wide range of illness, including improving oral health.


It contains Curcumin, a chemical compound that is an excellent pain reliever. It also has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that can quickly relieve toothaches.


Coconut oil has an excellent fatty acid profile. Its main component is lauric acid, which provides antimicrobial properties that make it suitable for oil pulling to heal a variety of dental issues.

Using turmeric with coconut oil will give you quick toothache relief. Turmeric is fat-soluble. This means it breaks down and dissolves in fat or oil, making it function quickly.

  • Take ¼ teaspoon of turmeric powder
  • add 1/8 teaspoon melted coconut oil. Or pure virgin coconut oil
  • Mix to form a paste.
  • massage the paste to the affected teeth to relieve pain and swelling.
  • Wash your mouth after some times 

7. Peppermint

Peppermint contains menthol, a property that gives it antibacterial and numbing properties.

Menthol is an analgesic. As such, it helps mask the sensation of pain

Try adding 1 teaspoon of peppermint leaves to a cup of boiling water and steeping for 10- 20 minutes. After allowing it to cool, swish it around the mouth, spit it out, or swallow it.

You can also soak a peppermint tea bag in warm or cold water and hold it against the tooth for a few minutes until the pain eases.

If you have peppermint oil, use a cotton ball to put a few drops on the affected tooth.

Get Your High-Grade Peppermint Oil Here

8. Use a cold compress.

Sometimes, a cold compressor may help ease toothache, especially if the pain is from injury, cavity, or swollen gums.

Try holding an ice pack or a frozen bag with ice against the outside of the cheek with a painful tooth for a few minutes.

Cold compresses, like an ice pack, constrict the blood vessels. This slows blood flow to the affected area, making it less painful. It also causes a numbing effect and reduces swelling.


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9. Over-the-Counter Pain Medication

OTC pain medications can be effective for managing mild to moderate toothache. Many OTC pain relievers contain analgesics like acetaminophen (Tylenol).

These medications temporarily relieve pain by blocking pain signals in the brain.

Some (NSAID) drugs such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) and aspirin help reduce inflammation.

Since many toothaches are caused by inflammation of the gums or tooth pulp, reducing inflammation can alleviate pain and swelling.

Please note that these medications temporarily relieve pain and discomfort, allowing you to manage your symptoms until you can see a dentist for a more permanent solution.

Common OTC Pain Medications for Toothache:

  • Acetaminophen (Tylenol): Effective for pain relief but does not reduce inflammation.
  • Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin): Reduces pain and inflammation.
  • Aspirin: Reduces pain, inflammation, and fever but should not be placed directly on the gums or teeth, as it can cause a chemical burn.

Usage Tips:

  • Follow the dosage instructions or as advised by a healthcare professional.

What Kills Tooth Pain Instantly

Chew a few whole cloves and hold the crushed cloves against your aching tooth for a few minutes before rinsing your mouth with warm, saline water. You may also apply clove oil directly to the affected tooth using a cotton ball. Other remedies that kill tooth pain quickly include ginger-garlic paste, neem powder, Turmeric, and coconut oil paste.


Several home remedies can provide effective temporary relief for toothache until professional dental care is available. Simple methods such as a warm saltwater rinse, clove oil application, and crushed garlic-ginger paste are my go-to remedies if I want quick relief from toothache. They help alleviate pain by reducing inflammation and killing bacteria fast. However, you may also want to incorporate Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen, as well as topical anesthetics containing benzocaine, which offer quick pain reduction.

While these remedies can offer short-term comfort, it’s essential to see your dentist to address the underlying cause of the toothache.


The information contained in this post is for general information purposes only. I’m not a health practitioner and as such, this information should not be used as a substitute for consultation with your professional service provider.
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