18 Simple Ways To Get Rid Of Fishy Vaginal Odor Naturally

Best Home Remedies For Vaginal Odor

by Polyne K.
how to get rid of vaginal odor

Of recent, cases of fishy vaginal odor and itchiness in women have risen. According to experts, diet changes, prolonged high temperatures, and lifestyle issues may be the leading causes.

Whereas each contributing factor needs to be examined individually, there are collective practices that, once you embrace, can prevent the occurrence or reduce the severity of fishy vaginal odor. These practices include;

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Home Remedies for Vaginal Odor

fishy vaginal odor

1. Sitz baths after menstruation

Often, women tend to do sitz baths after delivery for faster vaginal healing. While it is okay, you may want to transfer the same benefits your genitals enjoy even without undergoing vaginal delivery.

Vaginal odor can be caused by various factors, including bacterial imbalances, infections, hygiene practices, or changes in hormone levels. A sitz bath may indirectly

  • Improved hygiene: Sitting in warm water can help cleanse the genital area, removing bacteria and debris that may contribute to an unpleasant odor.
  • Increased blood flow: Warm water can promote better blood circulation in your genitals, thus supporting the body’s natural healing processes.
  • Relaxation and stress reduction: Stress can sometimes contribute to hormonal imbalances, which may affect vaginal odor. Sitz baths can help relax the pelvic muscles and reduce stress, indirectly addressing potential hormonal imbalances.
  • Alleviation of inflammation: If vaginal odor is associated with inflammation or irritation, a sitz bath’s warm water may help soothe and reduce these symptoms.

You can add a little sea salt to your baths for therapeutic and healing purposes. Sea salt is effective when it comes to soothing itchy and irritated skin.

Sit in a bathtub filled with water enough to cover your buttocks for at least 10-20mins. Repeat the process two times a day for at least three consecutive days. You don’t need to do this monthly, but once in a while can be super helpful.

2. Practice good vulva hygiene to Reduce Fishy Vaginal Odor

Naturally, Vagina consists of mucous-like substances responsible for keeping it clean. This mucous cleans the semen after sex, the menstrual blood, and other discharges.

However, it remains your responsibility to take care of your vulva and perineal areas.

  • Wash your vulva and perianal area atleast once a day.
  • Consider washing more than once a day to keep the perianal area clean during your period.
  • Use cold or lukewarm water instead of hot water to clean your vulva. You want to avoid burning the delicate genital skins. Also, hot water can dry out the moisture from this surface, leading to dryness and itchiness.
  • Always ensure that you use plain and non-perfumed soaps when washing to avoid chemical irritations.
  • Additionally, Use a different piece of cloth to wash your vulva. This ensures that you do not transfer specks of dirt from other parts of your body, like legs, to that sensitive area.

3. White vinegar for vaginal odor

Rinsing your genitals with a white vinegar may help eliminate vaginal odor.


White vinegar, specifically, is thought to have certain properties that may break down odor proteins thus neutralizing fishy vaginal odor. Additionally, it contribute to balancing the pH level of the vagina and preventing the overgrowth of odor-causing bacteria.

Mix one to two table spoon of pure white vinegar in lukewarm  water and soak in it for about 2 minutes. The antimicrobial properties in this vinegar may help inhibit the growth of certain bacteria or fungi that could contribute to an unpleasant or fishy vaginal odor.

4. Take probiotic with Lactobacillus acidophilus to reduce fishy vaginal odor

fishy vaginal odor

Probiotics are live microorganisms, mainly beneficial bacteria, that can confer health benefits when consumed in adequate amounts. These bacteria are naturally present in the human body, including the gastrointestinal tract and the vagina.

The use of probiotics, particularly lactobacilli strains, is often suggested to help maintain or restore the balance of bacteria in the vaginal area. This may contribute to the reduction of fishy vaginal odor.

Taking probiotics like AZO regularly will help Maintaining a Healthy Vaginal Microbiota, restoring natural balance of bacteria in the vagina and Modulating the Immune System. All these factors are crucial in preventing fishy vaginal odor and itchiness.

5. A glass of Wheat grass Juice May Do

Wheatgrass is believed  to have detoxifying properties that may help eliminate toxins from the body. A healthy internal environment contributes significantly to overall well-being, potentially influencing bodily odors.

Research shows, wheatgrass contains chlorophyll, which has natural deodorizing properties.

In fact, according to a publication in the American Journal of Surgery, chlorophyll has antiseptic benefits. This chemical compound in fresh wheat grass juice can help clear up foul body odor including your yoni.

It neutralize  strep infections, heal wounds, treat body inflammation , tones your uterus and, gets rid of parasitic vaginal infections.

All you have to do is blend and drink your wheatgrass juice until the symptoms improve.

6. Stop Vaginal Douching

Douching entails thoroughly washing your Vagina with water or other fluid mixtures like vinegar and baking soda.

According to research, one in every five women in the United States practices douching. And even though women do these for various reasons, most doctors do not recommend it.

This is because your reproductive system is designed to clean itself. Your Vagina consists of harmful and good bacteria that collaborate to create the desired acidic environment. This acidic environment is what hinders bacteria from surviving and harming your Vagina.

Douching can strip your Vagina of natural, healthy microbes. It can as well as temporarily change the natural acidity and cause the buildup of harmful bacteria. This leaves your Vagina susceptible to vaginal infections and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) which contributes to vaginal odor.

7. Watch Your Diet

Vaginal odor can be influenced by various factors, including diet. Certain foods can impact the body’s natural pH balance, and changes in pH can affect the odor in the vaginal area.

Additionally, some foods can alter the scent of bodily fluids, including vaginal discharge.

Watch out for food that alter your body odor. Foods or spices with strong-smelling compounds garlic, onions, and Asparagus can alter your vaginal odor. Why?

These foods and  spices cause the body to release odorous compounds through sweat and other bodily fluids, potentially affecting vaginal odor.

If you notice change in your body scent or urine smell after consuming certain foods, you may consider ditching them all together.

8. Wipe Yourself With Alcohol-Free Witch Hazel

Wiping your vulva with witch hazel can help reduce vaginal odor.


The natural pH of witch hazel is slightly acidic. This is similar to the pH of the skin and vaginal area.

Using witch hazel to cleanse the vulva can help maintain the natural pH balance of the skin, which is important for preventing the overgrowth of odor-causing bacteria and maintaining overall vaginal health.

Also, research shows that witch hazel is a natural astringent. This means it can help constrict tissues and reduce excess moisture.

By gently wiping your vulva with witch hazel, you may help remove excess sweat, oils, or discharge that can contribute to odor, especially in warm or humid environments.

Additionally, Witch hazel exhibits mild antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. These properties can help reduce the growth of odor-causing bacteria on the skin’s surface.

By keeping the vulvar area clean and free from bacterial overgrowth, witch hazel may help minimize odor.

It also Reduces inflammation and can help alleviate discomfort and odor associated with conditions like vulvitis or vaginitis.

9. Get more vitamin C for strong immunity.

Vaginal itchiness is a sign that your normal working balance has been invaded. As such, you need to tighten up your defense system, and that is where vitamin c comes in handy.

Vitamin C enhances our immunity. This helps our body system bring itself back into balance whenever it’s disrupted. According to Dr. Maghanga, vitamin c, best known as ascorbic acid, consists of antimicrobial components. These antimicrobials can fight off bacteria known to cause vaginal infections.

A recent study suggests that vitamin c can inhibit the growth of BV bacteria. Accordingly, it significantly reduced fishy odor and the number of harmful bacteria.

Try increasing your vitamin C intake to boost your body’s ability to fight yeast infection and prevent UTIs. This two are among the leading cause of fishy vaginal odor and itchiness.

10. Drinking lots of water to reduce fishy vaginal odor

fishy vaginal odor

Do you know that a woman’s cervical mucus consists of 90% water? Just like your general body, your Vagina also needs water for moisturization.

Ensuring that you remain hydrated throughout the day increases the moisture level in your Yori, leaving it wet and moist. This helps prevent fishy vaginal odor and itchiness that occurs due to vaginal wall dryness.

Drinking up to 8 – 10 glasses of water per day is essential for a well-lubricated yori. The easiest way to meet your daily water goals is by walking around with a water bottle and ensuring that you sip whenever you remember.

11. Take leafy greens to decrease vaginal dryness

Darky leafy greens are full of vitamins and blood purifying effects. They are rich in vitamin B and E, essential for maintaining healthy mucous tissue and increasing secretions.

Nutritionists advocate consuming foods high in these two vitamins, like leafy greens. You may consume them in everyday meals or as dietary supplements.

Eat leafy greens vegetables plus lots of fruits like oranges and avocados. This diet is rich in vitamin E, magnesium, and calcium, beneficial for strengthening vaginal muscles and regeneration of the yoni membrane thus, reducing strong vaginal odor.

12. Make garlic and ginger your all-time concussion

Sometimes fishy vaginal odor may result from internal infections. Normalize consuming garlic and ginger in your diet. These two consist of anti-fungal properties that can detox your body, keep blood sugar at bay and help fight urinal tract infections.

One study suggests that a vaginal cream of garlic and thyme could cure yeast infections.

To prepare the combo, grind garlic and ginger to make a paste. Soak them in a glass of warm water overnight and drink your concussion in the morning. Doing this often, like three times a week, helps balance your vaginal Ph., reducing the possibility of itchiness and bad odor.

13. Take Liquid chlorophyll or chlorophyll tablets supplements

Chlorophyll is that chemical compound that gives plants their green color.  This chemoprotein substance contains numerous vitamins, antioxidants, and therapeutic properties crucial for optimal functioning of our body.

In fact, the proponent of chlorophyll think that it can detoxifies the liver and digestive system.

And not just that.

Research suggest that chlorophyll may help people with trimethylaminuria. Trimethylaminuria is a condition that may  cause a fishy body odor.

Taking chlorophyllin can significantly decreased the amount of bad odor including vaginal odor.

But their is a challenge.

While there are very present in most leafy green plants, studies show that these chlorophyll may not survive the complete digestion process. As such they never reach  absorption stage when consumed in normal meals.

That is why you need to take CHLOROPHYLL supplement.

Here’s What You Can Do

1. Take one tablespoon of chlorophyll. dilute it in a 8 oz of water, and drink it twice a day to get rid of vaginal odor.
2. Take between 100 and 300 milligrams (mg) chlorophyll supplement tablet per day till the fishy smell disappears.

14. Practice safer sex to reduce fishy vaginal odor after sex

Another cause of fishy vaginal odor and itchiness can be STD or infections, which may occur due to having unsafe sex with multiple partners.

If you’re unsure about your partner’s safety, try using a condom every time you’re intimate. Also, avoid having sex with many partners. This increases the possibility of contracting Sexually Transmitted Diseases like genital herpes and syphilis.

15. Invest in Cotton underwear

Most vaginal infections and itchiness come from imbalances between good and harmful bacteria. Wearing synthetic underwear can create an environment conducive to the growth of harmful bacteria due to their inability to absorb moisture.

Cotton underwear is an excellent remedy for an itchy Vagina since they are breathable. They absorb excess moisture and allow for free air movement, thus maintaining desirable temperatures in your Yori.

Additionally, ensure that you wash your underwear after each wear. You can use multiple detergents or any gentle soap-free from harsh chemicals. It’s also a good practice to soak your underwear in warm water, baking soda, or white vinegar for like an hour to kill germs and eliminate odors.

After washing:

  • Rinse with cold water.
  • Dry them in an open place for aeration.
  • Remember never to put on any damp underwear as it can escalate your itching.

Also, change your pants after you’ve had an infection to help reduce the possibility of recurring. Normalize sleeping naked to allow your miss V to breathe all night long without the interference of pants.

16.Use water-soluble Lubricates to reduce itchiness

If you experience recurring vaginal infections like yeast, using water-soluble lubes instead of silicone-based or oil-based lubricants would be better.

Water-based lubricants that are glycerin-free can help reduce discomfort during sex. It also lowers the chances of vaginal irritation by acting as natural lube.

Try applying water-based vaginal moisturizers every three days. This will reduce vaginal dryness, and their effect may last longer than you can imagine.

17. Always wipe from front to back

Whether peeing or you’re on a long call, always wipe from front to back. This is a matter your guardian teaches you from a young age, but if you didn’t know, I’m glad that you now know.

Wiping from the front prevents the transfer of germs from the anus to the vulva. Ensure that you wipe clean even if it means using water or a bidet to lower the risk of anal infections and vaginal odor.

18. Reducing sugar intake

Too much sugar can increase the risk of developing a vaginal infection. This happens because excessive sugars act as food for yeast and bad bacteria.

It also creates a conducive environment for harmful bacteria to thrive and reproduce, not to mention the increased risk of spiking your blood sugar and impairing your immunity.

You should thus try to limit the use of processed foods high in sugar, especially when you have vaginal irritation.

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Fishy vaginal odor and itchiness can occur due to many factors. It may be an underlying medical condition, hormonal imbalances or your on unhygienic practices. Even though some home remedies for vaginal odor have proved effective in the past, what works for others may not be ideal for you. You should thus seek help from a professional health practitioner if the itching is persistent and severe even after applying some of these best practices. Also be on the lookout for severe symptoms like pain during intercourse, when urinating and smelly discharges.


The information contained in this post is for general information purposes only. 
I’m not a health practitioner and as such, this information should not be used as a substitute for consultation with your professional service provider.

UP NEXT: 8 Best Home Remedies for Vaginal Itchiness

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